Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 Resolutions

Happy New Year

This is my third year going through my resolutions and making new ones. You can check out previous years on It's pretty exciting to see what I have accomplished and make plans for the new year. 

Last years resolutions were:

I think I can say I achieved this! I was able to travel to Scottsdale Arizona, Las Vegas Nevada, Sydney Australia, Surfer's Paradise Australia. This was definitely my year to venture out of Canada. 
2. Spend time with family, friends and pets
While I can't say that I spent time with everyone, I will say that I have done a great job keeping in touch. I did do my best to spend quality time with family, friends and pets before I left for Australia. 
3. Learn more
I think I said this in hopes to do more schooling. I have however learned about myself, life and the world around me. I have really enjoyed going to museums here in Sydney and learning all about past Australian life. I have grown a lot being here on my own as well. 
4. Decide between work and school
I didn't really accomplish this in the sense  that I had hoped. I did however choose to work ABROAD another year or years. I'm learning to see where life takes me!
5. Blog lots
I definitely achieved this. I have been able to blog my entire time here in Australia. While I may not post every week, I am able to keep a record of each week to share. 
6. Take lots of pictures
I'm sure that I'm reaching the end of my photo storage space on my blog and probably my Facebook too. I have taken so many photographs to remember my time here in Australia.
7. Live in the moment and make memories
I'm still learning to do this, I think it will probably be a lifelong journey. I am really enjoying see where life takes me!

My resolutions for 2014 are:

1. Continue my adventures travelling
2. Keep blogging on a regular basis
3. Take some writing classes
4. Spend quality time with family, and friends
5. Enjoy moments spent with my pets
6. Be open minded about where life takes me
7. Finally finish my ECE diploma
8. Make memories

Welcome 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

NYE in Sydney- Week 30


This year for NYE I was able to spent it in Sydney, it was pretty exciting. I was able to attend the 9pm fireworks on the Cahill Express Way. I was very lucky and very thankful for the opportunity to do so! The fireworks were gorgeous and if you had the opportunity I would definitely recommend getting tickets to watch from there. I went on my own to scout a spot for the 12pm fireworks and ended up on a pier across from Luna Park near a restaurant called The Wharf. The fireworks at midnight were nothing like I had seen before. If you had ever though about spending NYE in Sydney I would recommend it wholeheartedly. It was one of the best experiences!

I only hope my pictures can do it justice.